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#26 Thu, Jan 21, 2010 3:02 AM

Karma:   -1 
Skis At: 34 mph
Foot Forward: left

Re: Permission to Ski Lake?

I agree Wade, In my town there is a public lake that is perfect for a course.  Protected from wind on all sides.  It is located right next to the country club golf course (but not in the golf course).  Right now they only allow fishing from battery operated boats.  I would like to see sites like this developed somehow for "semi-private" use.  I just dont know how to approach something like this.  I know there would be resistance from the "public" at first.  But if it could be accomplished in a way where it was organized but open to many, it might go a long way to get younger people  into  waterskiing.  Just a thought and I may be dreaming, but  it seems to me that lakes like this are actually very common, and it would be great if we could figure out a way to get govt. agencies to allow them to be used for our sport.


#27 Thu, Jan 21, 2010 4:57 AM

Thomas Wayne
Slalom Mentor

Re: Permission to Ski Lake?

Any time you add "public" to the equation you set yourself up for the tragedy of the commons.  Ultimately, that private site that had us so enamored can easily become the public zoo we hate.



Last edited by Thomas Wayne (Thu, Jan 21, 2010 4:59 AM)


#28 Thu, Jan 21, 2010 2:56 PM

Karma:   -1 
Skis At: 34 mph
Foot Forward: left

Re: Permission to Ski Lake?

Thomas Wayne wrote:

Any time you add "public" to the equation you set yourself up for the tragedy of the commons.  Ultimately, that private site that had us so enamored can easily become the public zoo we hate.



Unfortunately, you are probably right.  sad


#29 Thu, Jan 21, 2010 3:26 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Permission to Ski Lake?

If everyone acts in their own complete self interest regarding a limited resource like this, you are correct that it will be lost for everyone.

Which is why you have to be very understanding of other people's self interest as a skier trying to get onto a lake.

A great example is Juneau Park Pond in Milwaukee -- where there will be a Pro Water Ski Event this summer. It's rented by a paddle boat rental company, it's fished on, it's in Veterans Park, downtown Milwaukee.

Will anyone ever ski there?

Probably not. Right?


But you start acting politicial about the situation, you talk to the right people, and go with their demands. 2 years later, you get what you're looking for.

Hopefully this will evolve into a yearly event.

Ofcourse, that's a little different than skiing on a site every day all day long.... but that's something that just isn't a reality, because that's how you loose resources like the ones we're talking about. Instead of "let me completely take over that lake" it has to be "can we maybe ski there once or twice a week for an hour or two?" and you start relationship building with the community. Get the kids involved. Waterskiing is a great family sport, and anyone in their right mind with the right introduction to it would not want to see it banned.



#30 Thu, Jan 21, 2010 10:14 PM

Karma:   -1 
Skis At: 34 mph
Foot Forward: left

Re: Permission to Ski Lake?

YES!  This is what I am talking about.  There are lakes like this in almost every community.  This is what I would like to see in my community, but dont know how to make it happen?  I would be very interested to know who they initiated their conversations with, how they framed the discussion, etc etc. this is awesome, and I think that it goes a long way to really promoting waterskiing to people who may never get exposed to it otherwise.


#31 Fri, Jan 22, 2010 6:45 PM

Skis At: Gosfield WSC
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Permission to Ski Lake?

I think Grover777 should send an email to Doctor X with a link to this forum.

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