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#1 Mon, Jun 23, 2008 8:40 PM

Foot Forward: left foot forward

Not Releasing from RS-1

Love the RS-1 Boots!  Nothing better.  However I still have not released after some very hard otf falls.
Slightly tweeking rear ankle however not a season stopper.  I do not pull the laces tight at all.  I'm thinking of putting dual lock velcro on the sequence plate.  Do you see any problems with this? Also, is there coaching available in mid October there or are you already back in the mountains?  Love the sight and all the help.


#2 Tue, Jun 24, 2008 12:15 AM

Slalom Mentor

Re: Not Releasing from RS-1

Matt, My first question would be are they properly sized?  What size shoe and what size binding did you get?  How are you cinching them? I pull the bungy laces up and just barely snug them. Are you double wrapping the bungies around the posts? I stuffed the ski around 3 ball the other day and my forward momentum carried me straight out of the shells with the liners still on my feet.


Shane Hill


#3 Tue, Jun 24, 2008 12:55 AM

Foot Forward: left foot forward

Re: Not Releasing from RS-1

I wear an 11 1/2 in running shoe and I bought an 11.  Fit perfect, front foot slightly touched the front before heat molding and after molding, does not touch but is very close to the end.  I pull the bungie up, cross the cords and hook once on the eyelets and slide the lock down.  I do not pull up on the cords very hard at all. 


#4 Wed, Jun 25, 2008 10:31 PM

Pro Skier
Foot Forward: Lefty

Re: Not Releasing from RS-1

Rosco is wicked-busy rehabbing that broken leg, so I'm gonna pop in on this one. Interlocking the sequence plate may not be the best idea. The plate likely does not have enough surface area for a solid lock. My first question would be have you heat-molded the liners? The more secure/custom the liner fits, the less you will feel the need to tighten the laces.
Shoot me an email: [email protected]


#5 Thu, Jun 26, 2008 12:45 PM

Pro Skier
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Not Releasing from RS-1

Thanks for helping out Trent.  Matt, I agree with Trent, I would not run the Sequence plate with interloc.  If you are going to go the road of interloc, I would suggest having a G10 plate machined with the hole pattern for the boots that is on the sequence plate.  Make sure when you have the plate made that there is 6" of plate in front of the mounting screws for the front boot and the same 6" of plate in back of the mounting screws for the back boot.

As for releasing out of the RS1's, you have a very tight fit due to downsizing.  I would say that you don't even have to tighten the bottom set of laces as the volume of your foot is enough to give the support needed.  Other than that, just have the upper laces snug.  If the problem continues, I would suggest either upsizing or getting a machine shop to help you create the G10 plate. 



#6 Thu, Jun 26, 2008 3:39 PM

Foot Forward: left foot forward

Re: Not Releasing from RS-1

Thanks!  I e-mailed Trent and he was very helpful.  I'm going to continue to use the binding plate as is.  I like the snug fit, so I will keep laces as loose as I can and try it for a while.  Will you be coaching at Ski Tek mid October?
Thanks Again,


#7 Fri, Jun 27, 2008 3:47 PM

Slalom Mentor
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Not Releasing from RS-1

I just had a G-10 plate made up to mount my RS-1's directly onto, I'm then going to mount the G-10 plate to my ski with Dual Lock. I can't wait to try it out but I broke a rib on the 17th so I'm out for a few more weeks.

Scot Chipman


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