I have been slalom skiing for over 15 years but just started looking at how to improve my form/body control. This is also the first year of skiing a slalom specific ski, 2009 O'Brien Siege, which has been a lot of fun. I really don't know anyone who is big into skiing so am going off stuff from online resources. A big problem I am trying to get over is crossing the wakes a speed, aka staying on edge. I know this has been discussed a lot but my question has to do with the wake itself. I am skiing behind my father's speed boat, a 1979 18' Chaparral 180 I/O (vintage baby). The boat has enough power to get us up without problems but I am concerned about the wake size and staying on edge. How big of a wake is too big for staying on edge? I will do my best to find pics of the wake this evening. I know at some point I will have to just go for it but a little confirmation that success is even possible would help.
An 18' I/O will have a big wake, no question, no need for pics. Try to ski as short of a rope as possible and do as best as you can. I am not sure if there is an answer for you. You could try putting some weight in the nose of the boat, it might help, might make it worse though.
I know the boat will put up a larger wake, especially when compared to a true ski boat. How do I know if the wake is too large for staying on edge? I believe we have everything set up for the smallest wake possible between trim, a outdrive fin, and spotter position. There is no reason to try something if success is not possible, it would suck to keep trying and falling thinking it is my form.
You should still try to ski through the wake instead of over it, even if it is big, therefore you should try to edge through it.
Yeah, I know at some point I will have to suck it up and just go. It's been hard to push myself after a fall did a little damage to my left ear drum. Hopefully using water plugs will restore some confidence.
start close to the wake and edge into it. Continue doing this until you feel more comfortable to move a little farther away and add a some more speed. hopefully this will help you grow more accustom to the wake and more confident in your wake crossings.
Thanks trichter12, I will have to give that a try next time out. It's going to be a few weeks because my father is out of the country and my wife is just now learning to drive a boat. It doesn't help that our 30+ year old boat has developed a few quarks to get used to.
Marcus Brown skied behind a old 4Winns at the end of last season and there was an article in one of the previous WaterSki Magazines. He gave a few tips about skiing behind a "non-tournament boat". One of the tips that I remember was that you should use a very progressive turn and cut towards the wake and do indeed edge through the wakes. I also think he said to cut off the second wake longer then you typically would.
That sounds like a good article for me to read. Been trying to find it on-line with no luck. If you have a link that would help a lot. Thanks Andrew.
I can't find the article online either and I can't find that issue of the magazine (I am in between moving apartments and houses). But Im sure if you email Marcus at [email protected] he would be more then happy help you out. He may also see this thread. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
After emailing Marcus it seems the article was never put on the website, only in print, and he doesn't have a copy of it. I haven't had time to head back down to the lake but did go skiing on the back bay of Stone Harbor, NJ. Skied behind a 18' (I think) Tahoe outboard and that was one crap wake (5 people in the boat probably didn't help). Took the first turn and tried keeping on edge but the wake was still like a ramp and I was completely air-born, yeah that didn't end well. I will be at my father's place in two weeks and will give it a second try.
Last edited by pilsner (Mon, Aug 2, 2010 8:14 PM)
The best advice to give you would be to buy a ski boat. It will give you tremendous improvment instantly. I had a 18" sea ray outboard last year as a tournment competitor and got my dad to buy a 04 malibu LXi and went from 20mph to deep into 22 off this season and im in kentucky so we got like 5 months.