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#1 Thu, Jun 3, 2010 4:29 PM


Help with Radar Annex

Ok so im 15 and for about 4 years skiied on my dads jobe 1600 (bout 20 years old). Then last season I got into tournments. The great people of ski tournments convinced my dad to trade our 2006 sea ray ob ( ive been trying this for 3 years) for an 04 malibu response lxi. Along with that I get a Radar Annex. When I first got it i thought it was junk cause I couldnt get so much as a single buoy at 25!!! However miraculausly the guy i bought it from made 1 small fin adjusment and i started skiing 29 flawlessly. Last night was out on the course and im still trying to grab my 30 pass but i get SO MUCH SLACK ON THE LINE!! at 29 the line is nice and tight but when i got to 30 its a disaster!!! I had bout 10 people tell me it might be my ski..... well what can i do to my ski to reduce the slack line???? the bindings are already all the up. PLEASE HELP!


#2 Thu, Jun 3, 2010 4:59 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: SkiTek
Foot Forward: Left

Re: Help with Radar Annex

Gonna need more info bud. What are the settings for both your bindings and fin? Also where in the course are you getting slack line i.e. finish of 1,3,5 etc.?


#3 Thu, Jun 3, 2010 5:05 PM


Re: Help with Radar Annex

well I dont know how to find the fin and binding settings i dont have the thing that tells you that but my bindings are pushed all the way up on the ski. Also Im getting to about 5 ball max and im getting slack on all balls. I Figure I need to shave 1-2 seconds off my turns total to get 6 ball cause im backsiding 5 ball but i got to haul to get down to 5 and cant recover to get to 6. How can i find the fin and bidning setting with out that tool?


#4 Thu, Jun 3, 2010 5:05 PM

Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Outlaw Lake
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Help with Radar Annex

Annex: Tape measure and 8" calipers. But how big are you and how big is the ski?

Unless your ski is off the reservation, like it was when you got it, then the issue is probably not with setup. More than anything, it's hard to get your head straight on the next harder pass. You need to do your best to slow down your brain and try not to ramp up your effort too far. From what you just wrote, one of the first things I would ask you to focus on is being patient and letting your turns finish.

Last edited by HO410 (Thu, Jun 3, 2010 5:08 PM)


#5 Thu, Jun 3, 2010 5:10 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Help with Radar Annex

HO410 with another pertinent response... it sounds like the cause of your slack is from a lot of effort but a sheer lack of timing... you need to spend lots of sets practicing your timing so that you can ski a rhythm with the boat that does not involved that much slack. If the rope is slack, you can't turn towards the boat. Turning towards the boat with a loose line will cause more slack... i'm sure at your top speed you are feeling how fast it is and you're pulling long and hard. Back it off to a speed your comfortable with, practice your rhythm, and learn to ski with a tight line... then when you speed it up, it won't feel like such a big increase.



#6 Thu, Jun 3, 2010 5:16 PM


Re: Help with Radar Annex

Thanks everyone! but HO410 im about 5'6 and wiegh about 115


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