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#1 Thu, Sep 10, 2009 8:12 PM

Skis At: cutler
Foot Forward: Right

Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?

i've always wondered why the line length goes from 38 to 39 1/2 to 41  then jumps to 43 off.  it seems to me that if you're moving in 1 1/2 foot line lengths earlier in the rope then they would maybe move from 41 off to 42 off and only move one foot not two feet.

this is a totally random question, but if anyone could enlighten me i would love to hear it




#2 Thu, Sep 10, 2009 8:19 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?

Good question. Actually, the line doesn't go from 39.5 to 41 to 43.

It's really 38.09 off,  39.73 off,  41.37 off, and 43.01 off. Obviously this would be obnoxious to talk about every time.

It makes a little more sense in meters:

12 Meters = 35 off
11.25 Meters = 38 off
10.75 Meters = 39.5 off
10.25 Meters = 41 off
9.75 Meters = 43 off

Ofcourse, if you wanted to have a discussion on these seemingly random choices, I could stand to be enlightened on this just as much as you.

The buoys are 11.5 meters wide of centerline, perhaps that has something to do with the choices that they made.



#3 Thu, Sep 10, 2009 9:23 PM

Foot Forward: Right

Re: Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?

Very interesting I did not know that. Cheers!


#4 Thu, Sep 10, 2009 9:28 PM

Skis At: cutler
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?

thanks for that info,  i guess for us yanks that are retarded on our measuring system and all we think of is in feet i could never figure that one out.  so its good to know they're moving in half meters.   i should start learning the meter measurements cuz i'm always looking at my rope to figure out what line lengths the pros are skiing at when i see tournament results



#5 Thu, Sep 10, 2009 9:56 PM

Karma:   15 
Pro Skier
From: Lynn, MA
Registered: Tue, May 15, 2007
Posts: 1087
Skis At: Not short enough
Foot Forward: Right

Re: Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?

Yea, technically we are officially on the metric system as of 2006 or so. Can't you tell?



#6 Thu, Sep 10, 2009 11:47 PM

Karma:   10 
Water Ski Sage
Skis At: Old Hickory Lake, TN.
Foot Forward: left

Re: Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?


What would happen if someone only removed a 1/4 meter on a world record run?

Hey, we could end all the measurement conversions and stuff if they just went with a color coded measurment! You know, for the ladies; "Katrina sets new world record,  2 @ BEIGE CHIFFON"!!!
Or for the Men; "ROSSI WHIP'S PARRISH with 3 @ OILED LEATHER"!!!big_smile (Man, I must be really bored right now...)

Last edited by h20dawg79 (Thu, Sep 10, 2009 11:54 PM)

"Warning" -the Surgeon General has determined; That the preceding statements accurately reflect the views and opinions consistent with "DSS" (Delusional Slalomitis Syndrome) a highly contagious life altering condition... (Handle with Extreme care & Patience)


#7 Mon, Sep 28, 2009 4:33 PM

Slalom Mentor

Re: Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?

Masterline has a rope with a loop shorter than 43 off now I believe, as there have been some practice sets I've heard really close to running 43. I believe the next loop they have is 9.5 meters

Shane Hill


#8 Mon, Sep 28, 2009 7:37 PM

Karma:   11 
Slalom Mentor
Skis At: Canyon Lake, Ca.
Foot Forward: right

Re: Line Length Changes: Why 43 Off Next?

Who's getting close to running the 43 loop?


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